Saturday, December 21, 2013

Analysis of Juventus Individual Player Transfer Market Valuations (TMV)

Key Soccerlytics Insights:

  • Juventus has a total Transfer Market Value (TMV) of 355.1M Euros and an Average Player Value (APV) of 13.7M Euros
  • Pictured above, Vidal (40M Euros), Marchisio (31M Euros) and Chiellini (28.5M Euros) are currently Juve's 3 most valuable assets (in terms of Transfer Market Value)
    • Arturo Vidal's TMV is almost 200% higher than Juve's average (See TMV Index charts below)
  • Pogba (25M Euros) has seen the highest TMV increase among Juve players over the past year (third highest increase in Italy's Serie A in 2013)
    • Pogba was worth 6M Euros at the start of 2013, and has seen his value go up 316.67% to 25M Euros since the start of the year
  • Vucinic is Juve's most valuable striker at 21.5M Euros (slightly higher than the 20M Euro valuation of both Tevez and Llorente)
  • Ogbonna is closest (below) to Juve's APV, valued at 13M Euros (3% below Juve APV)
  • Lichtsteiner is second closest (above) to Juve's APV, valued at 17M Euros (27% above Juve APV)
  • Veteran stars such as Pirlo (10M Euro TMV) and Buffon (7.5M Euro TMV) have a lower TMV than you might expect based mainly on their age and lack of future upside potential
  • Of Juve's bottom 5 TMV valuations, exciting 20-year old talent Ouasim Bouy (currently valued at 700,000 Euros, 95% below Juve's APV) has the most upside potential due to his youth and ability
  • Third string 31-year old Brazilian goal-keeper has the lowest TMV in the squad at 400,000 Euros, 97% below Juve's APV
Juventus Transfer Market Value Index Chart as of 12/21/2013 (Market Value data from

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