Monday, January 19, 2015

Scouting Campeonato Brasileiro Serie A

Key Soccerlytics Insights:
  • Cruzeiro has the highest Average Player Value (APV) in the Brazilian Serie A at €3.16M, which is 259% higher than the league's €0.88M APV
  • The APV of the top 25 players aged 23 years old or younger is €2.68M 
    • Of the 25 players, 5 play for Flamengo, the most of any one club in the league
    • Lucas Silva (pictured above right) and Mayke (pictured above left) both of Cruzeiro have the have the highest transfer market values (TMVs) among the u23s
    • 3 out of the top 25 players are not Brazilian: Palmeiras' Argentine midfielder Agustin Allione, Flamengo's Argentine attacking midfielder Lucas Mugni and Cruzeiro's Cameroonian Striker Joel
  • The APV of the top 25 players aged 19 years old younger is €0.53M
    • Of the 25 players, 5 play for Gremio, the most of any one club in the league
    • Vasco's striker Thalles and Santos' support-striker Gabriel have the highest TMVs in this category at €2.5M and €1M respectively
    • 11 out of the top 25 most highly valued players aged 19 or younger are currently  partaking in the 2014 South American Youth Football Championship in Uruguay

Top 25 Campeonato Brasileiro Serie A aged 23 years old or younger

Top 25 Campeonato Brasileiro Serie A aged 19 years old or younger

Campeonato Brasileiro Serie A (€0.88M) Index as of 1/19/2015 (Market Value data from

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