Sunday, May 10, 2015

Top 12 prospects coming out this year's UEFA Youth League Semi-finals

  • The average player value (APV) of the top 12 prospects in the second ever edition (2014/2015 season) of the UEFA Youth League is €0.85M
  • Roma and Paraguay striker Antonio Sanabria (pictured below) is the most highly valued player among the final four (Chelsea, Roma, Shakhtar and Anderlecht) at €4M
  • Roma's Daniele Verde (€1M) Anderlecht's Andy Kawaya (€0.8M) and Chelsea's Andreas Christensen(€0.75M), all pictured above, are among the top 5 on the list, while Anderlecht's €0.8M valued 17 year old centre-forward Aaron Leya Iseka is the youngest player among the top 12
  • Defensive midfielder Beka Vachiberadze (valued at €0.5M) is the most valued player on the other UEFA Youth League semi-finalist Shakhtar Donetsk roster

Top 12 players in 2014/2015 Semi-Final Lineup (Transfer market values from

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